About Me

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Curses or Cures

The three words-Life,Love and Purpose
Have tormented me in so many ways
My heart,body,mind and soul have become their timid preys
They've driven a storm of angst without any pardons or parleys

Why is all my being consumed by these three words
Why does my mind plague itself with the questions with no answers?
Why does the heart wring itself with a thorny twine of faith just to form a pool of tears
Why does the soul try to lash it out on itself for having plain human fears?

What pleasure do I derive from these chaotic conundrums?
Why do I try to find the footprints of perfection in history?
Why do I relish the idea of construction of a life of ideals- when it’s a fallacy
Why do I still cling on to the path of purpose and not give into the maze of mediocrity

What is this inner struggle with this tyrannous triad?
The question of life is like a serene hermit regaling in earthy exultation
The question of love is like a voluptuous angel dancing in heavenly jubilation
The question of purpose is like an enlightened sage smiling in peaceful gratification

Life, Love and Purpose. Isn't everybody’s life based on these jumble of spells?
I ask and I ask,Is there a meaning to look for, beyond this limited territory?
Or is our existence a mere accident in God’s factory
Are these the curses of our lives or the cures? A querulous quandary!

Monday, February 3, 2014

My Sanctum.

This mind of mine is a strange camouflage
It portrays a life of beauty and ambition
But it lazes around losing itself in the mélange –
Of boredom, worry and petty meaningless fun

This psyche of mine is cunning
Tries to reason all the wrongs that I have done with a lawyer-like tact
Validate every lie that I have told by springing up a red herring
It says, at that moment it was not immoral and shameful of me to put on that act

This mind of mine is a wishful oracle
Trying to feed me with the infinite possibilities
Envisioning dreams to reach that abstract pinnacle
To take that step and rewrite the crude realities

This psyche of mine is a paranoid lover
It loves me dangerously, guarding my heart with ironclad walls
It is a sunny leprechaun walking around with a cleaver
Making people fall in love but never pays heed to their calls

This mind of mine is a schizophrenic dreamer
One moment it is full off fervor ready to take on life’s adventure
Next moment it withdraws cowardly into a corner
Scared by delusions and illusions of a life of artificial allure

Bombarded by care, doubts, fear and over protection
I suddenly realized this crowded creepy world infiltrated my priced citadel
And this mind of mine has actually become a palace under their construction
So I have to run away, I shall not let it become the Tower of Babel

I will build my own fortress in my solitude here
I will sit by the lake of mesmerizing silver memories and hum
I will water the blossoms of future that are ever so beautifully clear
This mind of mine shall be mine alone!!!---My Sanctum.

** [Tower of Babel:(Genesis 11:1-11) a tower built by Noah's descendants (probably in Babylon) who intended it to reach up to heaven; God foiled them by confusing their language so they could no longer understand one another]