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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Curses or Cures

The three words-Life,Love and Purpose
Have tormented me in so many ways
My heart,body,mind and soul have become their timid preys
They've driven a storm of angst without any pardons or parleys

Why is all my being consumed by these three words
Why does my mind plague itself with the questions with no answers?
Why does the heart wring itself with a thorny twine of faith just to form a pool of tears
Why does the soul try to lash it out on itself for having plain human fears?

What pleasure do I derive from these chaotic conundrums?
Why do I try to find the footprints of perfection in history?
Why do I relish the idea of construction of a life of ideals- when it’s a fallacy
Why do I still cling on to the path of purpose and not give into the maze of mediocrity

What is this inner struggle with this tyrannous triad?
The question of life is like a serene hermit regaling in earthy exultation
The question of love is like a voluptuous angel dancing in heavenly jubilation
The question of purpose is like an enlightened sage smiling in peaceful gratification

Life, Love and Purpose. Isn't everybody’s life based on these jumble of spells?
I ask and I ask,Is there a meaning to look for, beyond this limited territory?
Or is our existence a mere accident in God’s factory
Are these the curses of our lives or the cures? A querulous quandary!


  1. OMG!! "meedi burrana leka ideala thorrana"
    The analogies that you draw are amazing...

    This specific piece is a demonstration of the Philosopher in you.
    Many avoid these questions because they think they end up nowhere .. but a philosopher relishes the dissection of each thought gathered on all these fronts. For a thinking mind pleasure is derived from thinking itself...trickier the conundrums, greater the pleasure.

    best lines:
    What pleasure do I derive from these chaotic conundrums?
    Why do I try to find the footprints of perfection in history?
    Why do I relish the idea of construction of a life of ideals- when it’s a fallacy
    Why do I still cling on to the path of purpose and not give into the maze of mediocrity

    probable corrections needed:
    usage: "give in to" or "give into"

    just as a writers a penname, my reader name would be “Satvik” from here on..

    Satvik :)

  2. food for thought:
    Though I'm far from arriving at a conclusion on questions of God and Creation, I usually think in these lines:

    1)If God has a purpose for every living being he produces

    a) If God is imperfect: God's purpose cannot be achieved .

    There is a chance of accidents ....then the human being he is producing for a “purpose” is ill-equipped . Then the best a human being can do, if he is so keen on purpose is find out the “purpose” because we are not equipped with enough tools to fulfill the “purpose”..

    Our revised PURPOSE would be "to try and find the purpose, which cannot be served"

    b) If God is Perfect:

    Everything that God creates is perfect and no matter what we do, we are contributing to the God's purpose.

    So there is no point in looking for a purpose...we can do whatever we want to..
    And every human being considers Eudaimonia/happiness as an end to all means.
    Because happiness is subjective, every individual can strive for his/her own happiness.

    2) If “God has no purpose” or “If there is no God” , we are are left to ourselves, to do whatever we want to in order to be happy.

    And all these concepts of “Ideals”, “Virtues”, “Morality”, “Love” , “perfection”, “perfection” are something which we consider as a means to maximize happiness. And when we find grief instead of happiness, we question the fundamentals that we have started with and we keep on refining our perception of each of these until we arrive at a reasonably happy state.


  3. There are no "CURSES OR CURES" , there are just blessings... "Deevena"lu! Life a blessing and what comes to us as a part of life are just gifts... Whether we may like them or not. And the purpose/business of living is the celebration of being alive!
    Deep thoughts...Nicely presented!
